
Home 9News 9Good resolutions 2024 Complete guide for your mental well-being

How about taking care of your mental well-being?

The start of a new year is often synonymous with good resolutions. Here are some tips to improve your mental well-being and get off to a good start. It's time to make 2024 YOUR year of well-being and energy! 🎉👊


Fight against a sedentary lifestyle

Modernity has brought an increasingly sedentary lifestyle, with a reduction in physical activity and an increase in time spent in front of screens. This sedentary lifestyle has negative impacts on health, particularly on mental well-being, hormonal production, and can lead to stress, anxiety, and sleep disorders. To remedy this, it is advisable to integrate physical activity into the daily routine, choose pleasant activities, and take regular active breaks. Every step, every climb of stairs counts to boost your mental health! 🏃‍♂💪 #ActiveLife.

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Stop smoking

Quitting smoking is beneficial for your health, but can lead to weight gain due to an increased appetite. Since nicotine is a natural appetite suppressant, its absence can increase the desire to eat. Stress management is essential to control this weight gain and regulate appetite.

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Improve sleep quality

Quality sleep is crucial for brain health, memory consolidation, and maintaining emotional balance. Sleep varies according to life stages and is individual. The quality of sleep is more important than the quantity. Let's prioritize deep sleep. It is the fuel for our brain. A little nap can do wonders for your day!🌙💤 #SleepGoals

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Eat better

A healthy diet influences mood and mental well-being. It is advisable to favor leafy vegetables, colorful fruits and vegetables, seafood, nuts, beans and seeds, as well as fermented foods. Dark chocolate is recommended for its positive effects on mood. Eat for your body and mind. Each meal is an opportunity to boost your mood and your health. 🥦🍫 #HealthyEating

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Stop junk food

Yunova Pharma suggests that adjustments in daily habits, such as physical activity, stopping smoking, better sleep and a balanced diet, can significantly improve physical and mental health. These changes, although sometimes difficult, are essential for overall and lasting well-being.

Come on, let's take these small steps towards great well-being in 2024. Share your tips, your progress, and let’s inspire each other! 💃🌈 #wellbeing2024 #Vitality #MentalHealth