
Home 9News 9How to let go?

To relegate letting go to the last priority would be a mistake.


On the contrary, it should be considered a cornerstone to maintain our mental balance. This importance is well understood by top athletes, aware that recovery is just as important as training.

In the same way, our performance in all areas depends on our ability to detach ourselves regularly. Be careful, this is not a simple break in the tumult of your daily life; it is a real strategy to optimize our overall operation. The frantic pace we set for ourselves can engulf us in a whirlwind of stress, anxiety and exhaustion.

This is why considering letting go as a long-term investment in our well-being is crucial. By regularly cultivating this practice, we learn to better anticipate challenges and pressures. Our ability to handle stress improves, our mental clarity sharpens, and our creativity flourishes.

It is mistakenly thought that it is enough to relax during the holidays, when we free ourselves from our daily obligations. It is precisely when we are most engaged and stressed that it is important. It becomes a necessity instead of a mere luxury, a vital skill for navigating our complex and demanding world.

By freeing our minds from constraints and tensions, we are better equipped to face challenges with calm and confidence.

letting go

So rather than being our last resort, make it part of our daily routine. Here are some avenues to explore:


  1. Identify the areas where you find it difficult to let go: take some time to reflect on the aspects of your life that cause you the most stress or anxiety. It can be related to work, relationships, your personal expectations, etc.
  2. Be aware of your thoughts and emotions. Take note of when you feel tension or stress. Detect negative thoughts or concerns that come to mind. Becoming aware of these thought patterns is the first step to questioning them.
  3. Practice mindfulness: this involves paying attention to the present moment without judgment. Learn to focus on what you are doing now rather than worrying about the past or the future. It can help you reduce stress and detach from your worries.
  4. Accept what you can't control: A lot of stress comes from wanting to control every aspect of life. Force yourself to accept that some things are out of your control. Focus on what you can influence and let go of what is beyond your control.
  1. Practice deep breathing and relaxation: When you feel tense, take a few moments to inhale deeply and exhale slowly. This breathing technique can help you calm down and release tension. Some heart coherence apps can be helpful at first.
  2. Schedule time for yourself: Make regular time for yourself when you can relax and do something you enjoy. Whether it's reading, meditation, yoga, walking, or any other activity that gives you pleasure, it will allow you to recharge your batteries.
  3. Set limits: learn to say no when you feel overwhelmed and conserve your time and energy.
  1. Practice gratitude to yourself and set small achievable goals: get into the habit of writing down the positive things in your life. This will help you focus on the rewarding aspects, which can decrease stress and obsessing over problems. A series of small victories each day will bring you confidence and serenity.
  2. Detach yourself from the results: focus on the effort you put in rather than the end result. Learn to enjoy the process without clinging to the outcome.
  3. Remember that perfection does not exist: no one is perfect, and aiming for it can lead to unnecessary stress. Accept mistakes and imperfections as learning opportunities.

The practice of letting go takes time and patience. Start with small steps and be kind to yourself.

If despite everything you are still overwhelmed, at Yunova Pharma we offer you natural solutions to get over the course and regain your serenity, whether it is adaptogenic plants and psychobiotics.