
Home 9News 9How to Prevent Brain Aging: Causes, Solutions and Innovative Products

Brain aging is a growing concern, particularly as our loved ones age. Understanding age-related cognitive changes and ways to support them is essential to improving their quality of life.

Causes of Cognitive Disorders

Age-related cognitive decline is influenced by various elements, such as age itself, vascular problems, and environmental factors. A common symptom is the accumulation of beta-amyloid proteins, which disrupts neurotransmission.

Homotaurin: Ally of Neurotransmission

Homotaurin is an amino acid naturally present in the brain. It acts as a neuroprotectant and is able to improve neurotransmission. 5 studies on more than 3000 patients have validated the benefit of a supplementary intake of Homotaurin (available in the form of algae extract). There are progressive improvements in intellectual capacity from the 4th month, which increases at 8 months.

The Antioxidant Properties of Huperzine

Huperzine is an alkaloid from plants that has neuroprotective properties, with notable antioxidant action. A meta-analysis bringing together 20 clinical studies and involving 1,823 patients confirmed its effectiveness.

Benefits of Bacopa and Ginseng

Combined, Bacopa, rich in Bacosides, and Ginseng with its Ginsenosides, are known to stimulate *memory* and increase vitality, offering a holistic solution for cognitive well-being.

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Yunova Pharma: Innovative Solutions for the Brain

With a vision focused on preventing brain aging, Yunova Pharma has developed Senescil a formula combining Homotaurin and Huperzine for synergistic action. 1 tab / day for a renewable course of 3 to 6 months. For increased vitality, Nutrineural Tonus integrates the power of Bacopa and Ginseng.

By prioritizing the cerebral well-being of our seniors, we offer them the possibility of a better quality of life.