
Home 9News 9Stress management: what if we took inspiration from top athletes?

Stress management is a major issue in our modern lives.

On competition day, having well-established routines can help reduce stress. Athletes rely on repetitive gestures, listen to specific music, or follow other calming habits to provide stability and focus. Routines help create a predictable and reassuring environment. They help structure the day and mentally prepare for the performance. For example, some athletes always listen to the same playlist before a competition, while others practice specific stretches or exercises.

One of the first techniques used by athletes to manage stress is breathing control.

Abdominal breathing, in particular, is a simple but very effective method for calming the body and mind. When we are stressed, our breathing often becomes shallow and rapid. By practicing abdominal breathing, we can slow our breathing rate and induce a state of calm. To practice abdominal breathing, sit comfortably or lie down. Place one hand on your abdomen and the other on your chest. Breathe deeply through your nose, expanding your abdomen (the hand on your abdomen should lift more than the hand on your chest). Exhale slowly through your mouth. Repeat this process for a few minutes every day to reduce your stress levels.

Another essential technique for managing stress is the use of positive affirmations.

Our thoughts strongly influence our emotions and our behavior. Top athletes know this well and cultivate positive self-talk to strengthen their confidence and concentration. Instead of saying “I have to do this”, it is more beneficial to say “I am ready”. This simple change in language can transform intense pressure into an affirmation of capability and readiness. Other examples include “I am capable,” “I deserve this success,” and “I will give my best.”
On competition day, having well-established routines can help reduce stress. Athletes rely on repetitive gestures, listen to specific music, or follow other calming habits to provide stability and focus. Routines help create a predictable and reassuring environment. They help structure the day and mentally prepare for the performance. For example, some athletes always listen to the same playlist before a competition, while others practice specific stretches or exercises.

Top athletes often use visualization

to put yourself in an optimal state of mind. Visualization involves imagining positive situations or successful performances to build confidence and motivation. To practice visualization, find a quiet, comfortable place. Close your eyes and imagine yourself in a situation where you succeeded. Feel the positive emotions you experienced at that moment. Relive every detail as accurately as possible. This technique can help reduce anxiety and mentally prepare for future challenges.

As with physical preparation, stress management techniques must be practiced regularly.

This regularity allows them to be integrated naturally into our daily lives, making their application more effective in stressful situations. Repetition is the key to effectiveness. By regularly practicing stress management techniques, they become automatic reflexes. For example, if you practice abdominal breathing every day, you can more easily use it to calm yourself before an important presentation or stressful meeting.
Olympic games
A remarkable example of stress management is that of French volleyball players. During the quarter-final of the Olympic tournament, after being led 2-0 by the Germans, they were able to turn the situation around and win 3 sets to 2. This resilience and this ability to stay focused despite adversity demonstrate the importance of stress management techniques. French volleyball players applied many of the techniques mentioned above. They likely used breathing to stay calm, positive affirmations to maintain their confidence, routines to structure their play, and visualizations to see themselves succeeding. Their success is a testament to the effectiveness of these techniques.

Letting go

is also an essential practice to maintain our mental balance and improve our stress management. Too often we neglect this practice, thinking that it is reserved for moments of relaxation or vacation. However, letting go must be integrated into our daily routine, especially during times of intense stress. Take time to think about the aspects of your life that cause you the most stress or anxiety. It can be related to work, relationships, your personal expectations, etc. Be aware of your thoughts and emotions. Notice when you feel tension or stress and identify the negative thoughts that are running through your mind.

Focus on the present moment without judgment.

This helps reduce stress and detach yourself from worries. Accept what you cannot control. Focus on what you can influence and accept that some things are beyond your control. Take moments to breathe deeply and exhale slowly when you feel tense. Give yourself regular time to relax and do activities you enjoy. Learn to say no and conserve your time and energy. Write down the positive aspects of your life to focus on the rewards rather than the problems. Enjoy the process without focusing only on the outcome. Nobody is perfect. Accept mistakes as learning opportunities.

The stress management techniques used by top athletes can be applied in our professional lives.

Whether you're facing an important presentation, a tight deadline, or conflict at work, these strategies can help you stay calm, focused, and successful. When you feel stressed at work, take a few minutes to practice abdominal breathing. Close your office door or find a quiet place, sit comfortably and focus on your breathing. This simple technique can help you quickly reduce your stress levels and regain your focus.
Before an important meeting or presentation, take a few minutes to repeat positive affirmations to yourself. Tell yourself that you are ready, capable and that you will give your best. This practice can transform your mindset and improve your performance. Creating daily routines can also help you better manage stress at work. For example, start each day with a list of priority tasks, take regular breaks to relax, and find calming rituals to end your workday. These habits can provide structure and stability that reduce stress.
Before an important task, take a few minutes to practice visualization. Imagine yourself completing this task successfully. Visualize each step and feel the positive emotions associated with this success. This technique can boost your confidence and motivation. Stress management is about more than just improving performance. It is also crucial for our general well-being. Chronic stress can have serious consequences on our physical and mental health, including cardiovascular problems, anxiety, depression and reduced quality of life. By learning to manage stress effectively, we can improve our long-term health and well-being.

In addition to the techniques mentioned above, there are other stress management strategies that may be beneficial.

For example, regular exercise, meditation, yoga, and eating a balanced diet can all help reduce stress. Exercise is one of the most effective ways to reduce stress. It releases endorphins, which are feel-good hormones, and can help improve your mood. Try to incorporate at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise into your daily routine, whether it's walking, running, cycling, or another activity you enjoy. Meditation and yoga are practices that can help calm the mind and reduce stress. Meditation involves focusing on your breathing and letting go of stressful thoughts, while yoga combines physical postures with breathing techniques to promote relaxation and flexibility.
A balanced diet also plays an important role in managing stress. Certain foods can increase stress levels, while others can help reduce them. For example, foods rich in vitamin C, magnesium and omega-3 can help lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol.
Lessons from top athletes about stress management are valuable and applicable to many aspects of our lives. By mastering techniques like abdominal breathing, positive affirmations, comforting routines, and visualization, we can improve our ability to manage stress and perform at a high level. By taking inspiration from the example of athletes and integrating these techniques into our daily lives, we can not only improve our professional performance, but also our general well-being. Stress management is an essential skill that, with practice and repetition, can help us lead a more balanced, happier life.


Natural Alternatives for Stress and Insomnia Management

For those seeking to reduce their dependence on medication, natural solutions exist. Yunova Pharma offers a range of products based on functional neuro-nutrition:

Gababiotic : A Natural Solution for Mental Well-Being.
Containing probiotics and B vitamins, it helps regulate neurotransmitters and maintain normal psychological functions

Nutrineural Zen and Night : Natural Stress and Sleep Management.
With organic Rhodiola and Saffron extracts, Nutrineural Zen helps manage stress and regulate mood. Nutrineural Night: Composed of tryptophan, melatonin, lemon balm and passionflower, it promotes quality sleep.

For those looking to reduce their consumption of sleeping pills and anxiolytics, it's crucial to discuss healthier alternatives with a doctor. At Yunova Pharma, our mission is to promote more natural approaches to better mental health and longer life expectancy. Explore our natural solutions and embark on a safer health journey today.